Table 1 Census Records of Proposed Site (Site Name: Osaka Nankou Bird Sanctuaryj
English Name Latin Name Census records (month/day)
1% of 0.25% of Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
MPE MPE  Migration Date Size Date Size Date Size Date Size Date Size Date Size Date Size
 Little Ringed  Plover  Charadrius dubius 250 63  Southward 8/17 280 8/07 63 7/15 115 7/31 215 8/21 80
 curonicus  migration 8/11 122 8/02 298
 Kentish Plover  Charadrius   1,000 250  Northward 7/28 365 3/30 380 3/29 305 3/31 363 3/24 457 3/27 540 3/18 250
 alexandrinus  migration 4/10 517 4/03 401 4/05 444 3/26 591 3/29 700 3/29 250
 dealbatus  period 4/21 501 4/17 306 4/15 461 4/03 550 4/06 596
4/13 430
 Southward 8/17 280 8/16 269 7/17 301
 migration 8/01 321
 period 8/12 301
 Grey-tailed  Tringa brevipes 400 100  Southward 8/15 119
 Tattler  migration
 Red-necked Stint  Calidris ruficollis 3,200 800  Northward 5/09 953
 migration 5/10 1340
 period 5/11 1450
5/12 1400
5/21 1160
5/25 1024
1. Bold figures: maximum population in each migration period
2. Underlined figures: not less than 1% level of MPE
3. Dreged soil was instilled into nearby reclaimed land (Yumeshima landfill, distance from the Bird Sanctuary: 500 m) from autumn of 2001.
Consequently, a large flock of kentish plover, dunlin and red-necked stint
began to utilize for feeding, and the number of these shorebirds in Osaka Nankou Bird Sanctuary was decreased. (Yumeshima landfill, 390ha)